It's my off day today!!! Wheee...
Didn't do anything much
Just pampered my handsome bf!! =)
Cut his fur, clean his ear, bath him, brought him to the pet shop to have his nails trimmed!!
Basically showering him with my never ending love and tender care!!! hehe.. =)))
Now he is sleeping soundly beside me!! So cutteee..
Oh and at the pet shop, theres 2 new helper, students and i think one of them looked like my friend? Victoria poon!! But i smiled and her and she took a long hard look at me, but gave no hint that she acknowledge me!! maybe its Victoria look alike!! haha.. Yup.. and the restaurant beside the pet shop, ice cream chef, looks super crowded!! I must go there to try it out some day!! =p
Oh dear.. my harry is limping again!! His leg muscle does not seem to be strong or is he too fat?? Or is he old?? NOOOO... he can't grow old!!! =*( he can't leave me!! I'll be soooo sad.. =*(
rahhh.. I feel like swimming!! It always makes me feel free and relaxed!! =)
Right, I'm so sad today!!! My gf abandoned me!! Sniff.. she went to watch P.S i love you.. not with me!! But with MR LULU!!! roarr... drinking bottles of vinegar!! And i'm not fart!!! OMG... how can fat become fart!! Roarrr... Anyway, blog about what happened today eh.. I'm sure it will be interesting!! hehe.. cause love is in the air!!!
Idon'tunderstandhowyoucanstillcontinuetotalktomeandactasifthosefewdayswerenothing!!Stoptellingmeaboutyouand yourexcauseiamsonotinterestedinyourkindofchildishr/s!! Imeanyoushouldgetalifeandmoveon!!! Yousaidshedoesn'tknowhowtohandle r/s?? Ithinkyouaretheone!! Thosefwenstertestiaresofake!! Thoughitssosweetandall, butitsbotheringontheexcess!!! Whateverthecaseis,idon'tcareandidon'twannaknow!! haiz..whydidievenallowyoutostepintomylife!!!Yougavemesomuchhopesanddashitawaylikenobody'sbusiness!! Thanksalotya... thxforbetrayingmytrust!! Thxforteachingme nottobenaive!! Thxforteachingmenottofallintothewellsoeasily!! RAHHH..i reallycan'ttalktoyoulike normalfriendsanymore!! Itstotallyimpossibleforme!! Byebye.. thoughidoubtuwillcare!!ROARRR...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008